Lyonsleaf Case Study 03 - Perioral Dermatitis

Jane - Perioral Dermatitis

I had suffered with what I now know is Perioral Dermatitis around my nose and mouth for over 6 months and I had made the common error of trying to get rid of it with a steroid cream which had then made it a hundred times worse.

I found it really sore and embarrassing I would hide behind my kids on photos! Anything I put on it would just make it itchy and spread even further around my face. You can see from the photo how awful it was and it was on both sides of my nose.

I desperately looked around online for answers and I came across the Lyonsleaf Zinc and Calendula cream on Amazon. I read a lot of the reviews and also liked the idea that the cream is organic.

So I took the plunge and ordered the pot of cream. It arrived quickly and I decided to not put anything on my skin at all other than the Zinc and Calendula cream.

I applied it generously every night before bed (it dries a white) and it instantly felt soothing. Over the next few weeks it did get better bit-by-bit. Less red and less itchy and the patch of sore skin reduced. I now use it if I see a few little red patches around my nose but I can honestly say in 4 to 5 weeks it has all cleared up.

Because of how much I loved the cream I bought the Lyonsleaf Calendula and Marshmallow Balm as an oil cleanser every night with a hot muslin cloth I love it! The smell is wonderful and my skin does feel lovely and soft afterwards. Plus it takes eye make up off really easily too. I ordered this through the Lyonsleaf website directly this time and I found their website really easy to use and purchase from.
